Set up not included. 30 minute set up fee per user.
Each additional user is $4.00 per month.
MFA hardware tokens (fobs) are available but not mandatory. This is often used as a solution for those that want to use the service on a device other than a mobile phone.
MFA hardware tokens (fobs) are available for an additional $60.00 per person.
Antivirus Software 2
Small Bundle -One hour fee for tenancy set up.
Medium Bundle -Two hour fee for tenancy set up.
Large Bundle -Four hour fee for tenancy set up.
You will receive antivirus install package with full installation instructions.
You will need to provide device names to Nesda Technologies Ltd.
Each additional user is $4.75 per month.
Per user is:
On a domain (Server): domainname\username
Not on a domain (workgroup): computername\username
Backup Software3
A device is either a server or workstation.
Cloud backups are dependent on internet connectivity.
6 months free software for on premise backups.
Storage devices (hardware) are not included for on premise backups.
Cyber security software solutions are free for up to 6 months.
Set up and additional fees may apply.
Listed sales pricing does not include applicable taxes (HST).