Large Cyber Security Bundle

Over $3,300 in Savings & Free Software For 6 Months!- Multi-Factor Authentication1
-31 to 50 Users FREE for 6 Months - Antivirus Software2
-31 to 50 Users FREE for 6 Months - Backup Software3
-Up to 5 Devices FREE for 6 Months
-Includes Cloud Storage for 6 Months - 3HRS Security Training
-Can be done as 3 one-hour split sessions - 21-Point Network Review
- Network Review Report
- Automated Phish/Scam Training and Testing
- 2 Users FREE for 6 Months
Multi-Factor Authentication 1
- Set up not included.
- 30 minute set up fee per user.
- Each additional user is $4.00 per month.
- MFA hardware tokens (fobs) are available but not mandatory. This is often used as a solution for those that want to use the service on a device other than a mobile phone.
- MFA hardware tokens (fobs) are available for an additional $60.00 per person.
Antivirus Software 2
- Small Bundle -One hour fee for tenancy set up.
- Medium Bundle -Two hour fee for tenancy set up.
- Large Bundle -Four hour fee for tenancy set up.
- You will receive antivirus install package with full installation instructions.
- You will need to provide device names to Nesda Technologies Ltd.
- Each additional user is $4.75 per month
Per user is:
- On a domain (Server): domainname\username
- Not on a domain (workgroup): computername\username
Backup Software3
- A device is either a server or workstation.
- Cloud backups are dependent on internet connectivity.
- 6 months free software for on premise backups.
- Storage devices (hardware) are not included for on premise backups.
- Cyber security software solutions are free for up to 6 months.
- Set up and additional fees may apply.
- Listed sales pricing does not include applicable taxes (HST).